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The Black Hills Welcome Box

Connecting Movers To Their New Community

New Mover Welcome Service in Rapid City, SD

The Black Hills Welcome Box is here to establish a network of excellent local businesses for individuals relocating to the area, ensuring their smooth transition into the community. We deliver a gift box to the new movers’, consisting of items from local businesses that seek new customers.

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Why Target New Movers?

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of new movers use the first business that contacts them.

Impressive spending trends

New movers exhibit an impressive spending trend in the first six months following their relocation, surpassing the average consumer's three-year expenditure. Moreover, reaching out to new movers first increases the likelihood of gaining their loyalty by five times.

High customer turnover

With a yearly customer turnover rate of approximately 20% due to relocation, new mover marketing should be the top priority of any business.

Looking for new businesses

As new movers have to build their lives from scratch, they establish new routines and search for new service providers and retailers. They are fresh to your neighborhood, financially capable, and eager to discover you!

The Welcome Box

We will send a personalized gift box to the new homeowner’s address. The box will contain a collection of items from local businesses that warmly welcome the recipient to the community. Consider it a fun and sizable gift package that aims to make a grand impression! 

A second mailing helps to reinforce your message and establish brand recall, keeping your business top of mind for the recipient. Consistent follow-ups can build trust and credibility with the recipient, making it more likely for them to engage with your brand and potentially convert into a loyal customer.



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